She said....

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"People don't get what they deserve. They just get what they get, and there's nothing any of us can do about it."
--------HOUSE MD.

I kept thinking about it and on and on.

Those things you said, and how distant I felt,
I lost the ability of feeling. It's like your pain is something I locked outside,
not that I don't care, I just don't want to feel that,
so I realize there is nothing I can do about it,
I am the heartbreaking one, too, about everything.

We all mourn, get depressed, then get up, 
devote ourselves to another spaces, another something, another start over,
eventually, people get by.

So, my friend,
believe in yourself,
there is nothing wrong about failure,
it's wrong that we don't learn things from it.
Gear up, let's walk to the unknown.

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1 意見:

dandelion 提到...

Thank you my friend!