That's it.

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I thought things gonna be fine, even better,
but not really. 
I have love-deficiency, she has a phobia of relationship.

when reality comes, the adrenaline cause dopamine released,
brain won't function normal,
it feels good, damn good.
however, the post-situation-shocked continued.

she is afraid of good things,
I am afraid of we can't be better.
What's the point?

I can be your headphone,
I can be your radio,
I can be your trash can,
I can be your driver,
I can be your consultant,
I can be your accompany,
I can be your toy,
I can be your chess,
I can be your umbrella,
I can be your friend,
I can be your placebo,
I can be your coffee,
I can be your sidekick,
I can be your everything,
everything you want me to be,
but I can't be with you.

Cause you don't want me to.
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